Summary: | Along with the development of technology, many things have changed
significantly, including the war. Technological developments will affect the way a
State war strategy, and choose what kind of weapons they will use in warfare that
One of the real form of the influence of technological developments in
weaponry of a State is the discovery of the types of sophisticated weaponry from
day to day. One form of sophisticated weapons and caused controversy is the
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or may be referred as the Air Transport
Equipment, or Drones. UAV is an aircraft type that does not require existence of a
pilot to fly, because it can be controlled via remote controller from distance. Such
a way of controlling UAV can minimize the possibility of a State for the loss of
his best pilots due to war, as well as make it easier to infiltrate to enemy line
without having to worry about the safety of the pilots itself.
In the International Humanitarian Law (HHI) itself, yet there are specific
regulations governing the use of UAVs. What is used as a justification for those
who do not agree to the use of UAVs are the components that are applied to the
UAV instead UAV itself. One example is the use of cruise missiles at Israeli Harpy
UAVs that violates the Intermediate Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF Treaty)
because it exceeds the coverage rules that have been defined by the INF Treaty is 500 km.
In the study of international humanitarian law, human life is an aspect that
should be protected and respected by all parties, especially those who are fighting.
This study teaches that �hostages nobler than hurt