Summary: | Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that causes pain, stiffness,
swelling and limitation of motion and function of multiple joints. Patients with
rheumatoid arthritis experience a variety of symptoms that negatively impact
quality of life. Improved quality of life is important as one of the primary goals of
rheumatoid arthritis treatment. This study aims to know the general overview of
treatment and quality of life for rheumatoid arthritis patients in outpatient
installation PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta.
This study is an observational study with cross sectional design. Data taken
with the provision of AIMS2 questionnaire SF. Samples were taken using
purposive sampling method and obtained a sample of 30 patients. The
independent variables were age, sex, comorbidities, treatment, disease duration
and intensity of pain. While the dependent variable is the quality of life of patients
with rheumatoid arthritis. Group mean difference independent variables on the
dependent variables is done with the t test and one-way ANOVA, while the
relationship between the independent variable on the dependent variable is
performed by multivariate analysis product moment correlation analysis.
The results showed treatment with DMARDs (Disease Modifying Anti-
Rheumatic Drugs), corticosteroids and NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-
Inflammatory Drugs) are the most widely used therapy that on 12 patients (40%).
Score the quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis was 3.18. Variable
intensity of pain comorbidities and significant effect on the quality of life of
patients with rheumatoid arthritis with significant value respectively 0.039 and
0.004 (p <0.05). Factors of age, sex, duration of disease and the treatment does
not affect the quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Product moment
correlation coefficient results indicate pain intensity correlation (0.397) with a
greater quality of life than the correlation co-morbidities (0.379).