Summary: | Gunungkidul is a region that is included in the karst region, so often
experienced a water crisis. Areas with these conditions suitable for planting teak. As
there at Plots 7 Wanagama I, Desa Kemuning, Gunungkidul. The need for water is
essential to meet the needs of growing crops in doing, both diameter and height. In
the dry season may have stagnated growth teak/stop growing, even may experience
shrinkage in diameter due to lack of water. For that we need the technology to
overcome this kind of land, namely the provision of hydrogel on 2 years old teak
plants in Plots 7 Wanagama I.
The research design used was Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD),
with the hope of knowing the exact dose of hydrogel to improve plant growth teak 2
years old. There are 2 blocks with a height of 0,4% and 8%, respectively given block
of 4 treartment (control or 0 g, dose 10 g hydrogel, 20 g hydrogel, 30 g hydrogel),
Each treatment consisted of 5 experimental unit (5 trunks).
Of the results of the analysis performed using the f test, giving hydrogel
significantly different between the treatment effect on height and diameter growth of
teak plantation age 2 years. So do further study by DMRT, especially with a dose of
hydrogel while giving 10 and 20 g has not appeared at all the difference. Dose of 30 g
hydrogel having a high average a high of 66,20 cm and the average diameter is 13,74
mm largest. From the results of the study during the 5 month administration of
hydrogel, hydrogel can be concluded that granting the right to plant teak age 2 years
was 30 g.