Summary: | Furfural plant from corncobs with capacity 13.000 tons per year need
corncobs 16706.76 kg / hour, water 31061 kg / hour and H2SO4 98% 13543 kg /
hour as the raw material. This plant will obtain furfural with 98.5% purity.
The process will be occur as follow: pentosan in corn cobs is hydrolyzed
into pentose, then pentose become furfural by dehydration reaction. This reaction
need H2SO4 as catalyst. Furfural formed in solids corn cobs will be taken by steam
with 10 atm and temperature 667oC which flowed countercurrent to the reactor.
Furfural will be carried away by the steam condensed in the condenser. Furfural
solution will be purified in the extractor and distillation column to produce furfural
with the desired purity.
This plant will be established in Tuban, East Java, which occupies a land
area about 8 ha, with a 182 person workforce. The plant will operate continuously
for 24 hours / day for 330 days / year.
Based on the economic evaluation, this plant need fixed capital of US$
11,363,134.17 + Rp 134.238.559.995,68 and working capital of US$. 393,732.60
+ Rp. 50.568.800.110,82. Break Even Point (BEP) of 50,47% (BEP restrictions in
Indonesia 40% - 60%) and Shut Down Point of 21,11% and Return On Investment
(ROI) before taxes 40,47% (ROI limits for plants with low risk> 11%). Pay Out
Time (POT) before tax for the year of 3.31 (low risk plant POT limit <5 years).
Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return (DCFRR) of 27,52% with an average interest
rate in the bank 15% - 20%.
From the analysis it can be concluded that this plant is quite interesting to
study further.
Keywords: furfural, corncobs, hydrolize, dehidration