Summary: | Policy of Adi Sucipto Airport relocation to Palihan village of Temon district at
Kulon Progo regency was selected by government as alternative to substitute the airport
located in Sleman regency because the condition does not suit. After long process, the new
airport will be officially constructed in Kulon Progo. Development is sensitive issue for
public and may induce social change. It may occur when the policy is in discourse phase.
Not synergetic socialization between local governments make situation increasingly
complex. People consider government slow and did not offer solution. Social change is
studied using phenomenology method with goal-free evaluation approach in which the
research does not depend on whether the project of policy success in achieving its
objective but not focus on side effect of the policy.
Airport relocation policy has not been implemented physically and when the policy
is in discourses level, it has created social change on society in Palihan village. The change
involve change in value, norm and trust marked with pro and cons in society and induce
conflict, social fragmentation indicated with existence of social group that causing conflict
in society and also change in econo0mic life. The changes were marked with emerging
new economic activity such as business training that is intended to prepare society to deal
with airport construction plan.
Pro and cont must occur due to people have different rationality over government
policy. People opposing airport construction considered that the development can omit
livelihoods of people as farmer and non owned land farmer. They feel unready to loss land
and have no other skill beside farming because the profession has been inherited for
generations. Meanwhile, people supporting airport construction considered that the
construction may make better people life and promote people economic activity. In its
progress, opposing and supporting group sharpen conflict in society. In demonstration to
dement clarity from local government related to airport development and issue of land
price increase cannot be avoided.