Summary: | The number of television viewers in Indonesia in 2011 has reached 13, 4 million
people. Television with its advantages is able to compete with other media such as
radio, newspapers and the internet. Television is able to present audio-visual
impressions without burdening viewers with the cost of broadcasting. As one of
the many media used, television give effect to the television viewers. This effect
can be positive or negative, depending on the variety of television show.
Unfortunately, these days a lot of negative impressions. This be evindenced with
the number of complaints that were submitted to the KPI and many television
programs reprimanded KPI.
DAAI TV with programs that humanists try to present a positive impression to the
viewers. One of the TV programs that broadcast journalism DAAI positive
impressions is the program \"Mata Hati\". \"Mata Hati\" practices peace journalism
in the production process. The production process starts from the discovery of
ideas, planning, production, preparation, news coverage, script writing, editing
text and video, until delivery. There are a variety of steps in each production
process which makes the show \"Mata Hati\" is different from other news
programs. These steps are tightly controlled by the producer, making \" Mata Hati\"
into the product jurnalisik with peace journalism perspective.
Starting from how peace journalism practiced in DAAI TV, this study aims to
determine how and how far the principles of peace journalism implemented in the
program \"Mata Hati\" through editorial policy. This study used a qualitative
approach with descriptive case study method. It is hoped this research will be able
to provide a complete picture of how the principles of peace journalism practiced
in the production of the program \"Mata Hati \"