Summary: | Tecnological inovation in manufacture of concrete already highly
developed. One of the innovations is aeration concrete with organic foam.
Aeration foam is a lightweight concrete that created by inserting air or gas into
slurry mortar. Organic foam is foam or air bubbles which produced from organic
materials in the form of extracts from lerak fruits. Using organic materials in the
composition of construction aeration concrete with organic foam is an innovation
of enviromentally friendly lightweight concrete.
This research uses the addition of organic foam by 60% and 120% from
the volume of mortar. Organic foam made from lerak fruits extracts which
addition by water as much as six times from the volume of the extract using a
pressurized engine or foam generator. The value waters cement ratio used 0,6 and
comparison of the composition of the cement and sand is 1:1,5. To determine the
characteristic properties of aerated concrete with aeration organic foam testing
compresive strenght, flexural strenght, tensile strenght, water absorption, and
specific gravitiy are tested at the age of 7th day dan 28th day. Each test performed
using three specimens.
The result from addition of organic foam as much as 60% with
composition 375 kg of cement, 562,5 kg of sands, 225 Litters of water, and 49 kg
of organic foam, has compressive strenght�s value as 1,6 MPa, flexural strength
of 0,46 MPa, and a strong drag of 0,64 MPa. The addition of 120% organic foam
with composition 312,5 kg of cement, 437,5 kg of sand, 187,5 liters of water, and
85,75 kg of organic foam, has a value of 0,81 MPa compressive strength, flexural
strength of 0,25 MPa, and a tensile strength of 0,33 MPa.
Aerated concrete with organic foam becomes lighweight due to air cavities
formed in the concrete. With the large number of cavities in the concrete resulting
decreased strength of the concrete. From two types of concrete compositions
studied, its could be classified into non-structural concrete for compressive
strength�s limits between 0,7 MPa until 7 MPa. Aerated foam concrete with the
60% addition of organic foam worth to applied as partition walls tend stronger
than 120 % addition of organic foam.