Summary: | Asiatic softshell turtle (Amyda cartilaginea) is wildlife animals that no
protected by Indonesian law, but listed into Appendix II of CITES. Over the past few
decades, the trade of this spesies has increased rapidly. This spesies has been reported
widley used for consumption, as a pet, traditional medicine, and trading both
nationally or internationally. Central Java Province is the one of area that became the
main harvesting areas for asiatic softshell turtle and has quota catch of 250 heads /
The purpose of this research are to identify the trader of the asiatic softshell
turtle trade in Central Part of Java Island, knowing asiatic softshell turtle trade in
Central Part of Java Island, and find out the range of values asiatic softshell turtle
trade in Central Part of Java Island. Methods of data collection in this study was
conducted by snow-ball sampling and interviews. Snow-ball sampling method are
used to find out who the traders involved in the trade of asiatic softshell turtle.
Interviews were conducted with people who do the asiatic softshell turtle trade and
technical interviews conducted by using in-depth interviews.
Asiatic softshell trader in Central Java consist of large traders, collectors, and
hunter.Large traders are traders who have a marketing authorization and permission
to catch an asiatic softshell turtle. Marketing authorization is obtained from Central
Java Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA). Collectors are people who
form the liaison/ intermediary of large traders with hunter. Hunter is a person who
captures an asiatic softshell turtle in nature. Trade flows that occurred in the province
of Central Java can be simplified as follows: hunter � collector � large traders. Price
asiatic softshell turtle in Central Java are divided into two classes by size weight, <1
kg and >1 kg.