Summary: | There are many aktivitasekstrim that we often encounter in everyday
life.These include gunung.Aktivitas climbing mountain climbing activities can
dikatakanaktivitas weight because it requires the ability, strength and high
fighting spirit to do so.To examine this, we need a study to determine the level of
this kelelahannya.Penelitian analyze the level of physical and mental fatigue on
the activity of mountain climbing in the can through at some point measurement
with a particular test.This study will also measure the environment to see
environmental data research is going on considering environmental factors related
to the activity of mountain climbing.
The sample used in this study consisted of 4 men aged 21-22
years.Categories sample is purposive sampling where samples were selected that
have special abilities.Locations measurements done at Mount Unggaran (2,205
masl), Central Java.Point measurement is performed at 4 height plus the height of
the normal, which is at an altitude of 1264 meters above sea level, 1454 meters
above sea level, 1616 meters above sea level and 2025 meters above sea level.The
measurements were measured 2 times that by the time the activity up and
down.Test your heart rate per minute will be used to reference the physical fatigue
and short term memory task as mental fatigue, while a reference noise, light,
humidity, temperature, distance and altitude to see the data measured
environmental factors that occur during a mountain climbing activities.
The results of this study states that the average overall percentage of
correctly taskshort term memory does not differ much better on the activity of
ascending, descending and normal activity.Average heart rate per minute when
the numbers rose higher activity than the activity down and normal
activities.There are some height where the heart beats per minute it falls under the
category of heavy activity so that the rest of t minutes can lower average heart rate
per minute up to the light activity category.When the rise of activity,
jumlahdenyut heart per minute at an altitude of 2,025 meters above sea level point
of magnitude smaller than the jumlahdenyut heart per minute at altitude due to the
length of time before a spontaneous break when heading height is the most
besardaripada duration of spontaneous breaks another.In addition, the data
obtained that moisture is the biggest environmental factor whose value than other
environmental factors because its value always is above the 85% figure.