Summary: | Forest education as a means of learning Wanagama I then need to do
research on available nutrients in forest soils Wanagama I. Plants require essential
nutrients. Not all types of plants in Wanagama I was able to grow fast and lush,
this is due to the influence of soil fertility as well as the suitability of the type of
crop grown. One characteristic of fertile soil contains a lot of organic matter.
Carbon is a constituent of most organic material so that the availability of carbon
is strongly influenced by the amount of organic matter. The availability of organic
matter in the soil also means the availability of carbon and energy source for soil
microorganisms which are very dominant role in the reform process of organic
materials. So the need for research on the content of soil Wanagama I to
determine the content of organic matter and soil carbon.
Samples were taken from 3 kinds of stands in the forest I Wanagama
education whose land has not been processed. Vegetation type used is Legaran,
Teak, and Ki daughter and soil depth (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-50). The indicator
used is the carbon content of organic matter in the soil and forest education
Wanagama I. In the assay of organic matter and carbon elements used method of
Walkey & Black (volumetric method), 77% were correct value, calculated
expressed in Denntedt method (combustion method) which value is 100% truth.
The analysis called quantitative volumetric analysis axisimetris.
The results showed that the content of carbon in the land element
unprocessed Wanagama I have high criteria at depths of 0-10 and 10-20, was at a
depth of 20-30, 30-50 low on depth. Legaran: low, Teak (plot 7): very high, Teak
(plot 6): high,Podocarpus : high.