Summary: | Forest is one of the areas where the resources are able to provide
for the needs of living things, ranging from the need for food, life and the
fulfillment necessary most important and can not be met by other resources as the
forest is the largest provider of oxygen used for breathing creatures. But lately
dwindling forests that because the population is increasing public demand for land
that is increasing as well so that sustainability needs to be considered. This study
aimed to determine (1) the composition of the forest and the people in the village
constituent Kalimendong, (2) Knowing the people in the village forest structure
Kalimendong, (3) Knowing IVI each type of constituent community forest in
the village of Kalimendong at various stages of growth.
This study was done in Kalimendong Hamlet, Village Kalimendong,
Leksono Subdistrict, Wonosobo regency, Central Java. The method used is to
create a Nested Sampling size of 20x20 meters by 30 plots were randomly
assigned to the data height, diameter, crown width, and tree species.
Results of research and analysis at the study site was found 16
species of plants, among others, avocado, resin, durian, ganetri, teak, coffee,
lamtoro, mahogany, melinjo, Mindi, jackfruit, banana, flower, sengon, Suren
and hibiscus. People in the village forest structure kalimendong layered and quite
evenly spreading the average number of seedlings 7833.3 / ha, sapling 1533.3 /
ha, 713.3 pole / ha and tree 150/Ha .. highest importance value index the
village is dominated by sengon kalimendong with levels (124.4% seedling,
sapling 166.6%, 193.1% pole, tree 170.8%) followed suren and other types.