Summary: | SCC & C is one of PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk divisions which produce
flavour seasoning �Royco�. PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk implement Total
Productive Maintenance (TPM) as a firm foundation to build sustainable
improvements. PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk implement planned maintenance
which pillar is included in TPM. Planned maintenance includes components
replacement every 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. Planned maintenance
every 3 months only for agitator bearing replacement (6004 series) which takes 8
hours or one working shift. The aim of the study are to calculate the lifetime of
agitator bearing then change the type of bearing to eliminate the 3 months
planned maintenance schedule and reduce planned maintenance 6 months time.
There are some methods used in this study. The first is doing observation
to collect data according to the condition that happen on the field. The second
method is interview, this method is used to get information for completing data.
The third method is collecting data based on the literature. The forth is observing
the agitator bearing in Royco machine. The last is doing bearing lifetime
calculation in hopper filling unit to get bearing series which type of bearing has
lifetime more than 12 months.
The study show that the 6007 series bearing rating life is 15987.72 million
revolution with operating time 22.21 months. By replacing agitator bearing to the
6007 series bearing, agitator bearing replacement can be done only at the time of
planned maintenance schedule every 12 months.