Summary: | As we know, public assumed that Attorneys only had authourity for proceeding criminal
cases or conducting as Public Prosecutor. However, besides proceeding criminal cases Attorneys
also had authority to handling civil cases. Regulations about civil cases already exist since Dutch
East Indies stated in Staatsblaad No. 522 of 1922 and regulations in BW, Ordinance on Civil
Registration and Ordinance on Bankcrupty. Nowadays, Attorneys duties and authorities are
stated in Article 32 in Law Number 16 of 2004 on Attorney of Republic of Indonesia then stated
detailed in General Attorney Instruction Republic of Indonesia Number INS-001/G/9/1994 on
Conducting Law Enforcement Procedure, Number INS-002/G/9/1994 on Conducting Legal Aid
Procedure and Number INS-003/G/9/1994 on Legal Service, Hearing and Other Legal Actions
Procedure which revised in General Attorney Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number :
Perja-040/A/JA/12/2010 on Standard Operational Procedures on Conducting Duties, Functions
and Authorities in Civil and Administration. To finding more about Attorneys authority
particularly in handling civil cases, this legal research choose Sleman District Attorney as subject
for research. This legal research objectives are to finding how the attorney conducting their
duties and authorities in civil cases, how to cope with civil cases, and their barriers in conducting
their duties. This legal research using normative law approach method and empiric law. Primary
data collected directly by interview and secondary data collected by literature research.
The findings and analysis in this legal research found that Sleman District Attorney had
conducted their authorities in civil cases but their work management are not in order. This is
visible by handling a few in civil cases compared with potential cases that should be handled by
Sleman District Attorney.
Sleman District Attorney�s work management are not in order caused by many barriers.
Barriers from internal issues are : 1) human resources, and 2) medium and facilities. From
external issues are : 1) not all institutions are knowing about the authority of attorney,
particularly in handling civil cases, 2) economic factor from defendant in litigation on
bankcruptcy and billing in compensatory money in corruption cases, 3) the existence of Legal
Burreau in every government institutions.