Summary: | First thing which is background of this research entitled �The Maurice
Merleau-Ponty�s Concept of Body-Subject in the Perspective of Ontology and Its
Contribution to Reconstruct Philosophy of Sport Science� was that sport science
is still requiring philosophical analysis to stabilize scientific construction Maurice
Merleau-Ponty�s Phenomenology of the body which was reviewed from
ontological perspective, was the main object for this research by means its result
was implemented as reconstruction philosophical base of sport science. This
goals� research were: (1) to know the meaning of the body in Merleau-Ponty�s
body-subject concept, (2) as the critical analysis of the Merleau-Ponty�s bodysubject
concept in ontological perspective, and (3) as the reflection of this study of
ontologi of the body to reconstruction philosophy of sport science.
This research was factual-historically research, or, as research about
philosophical problems. This research�s steps to answer its problems were
collecting data, classifying data, analysing data, interpreting data, and reporting
the result. Many concepts which was relevan to this research were analyzed by
historical continuity, hermeneutic in explaining and revealing Merleau-Ponty�s
thought, and heuristic in capturing the meaning and also finding and developing
new path to reconstruct sport science philosophically.
This research answers arisen problems successfully. Merleau-Ponty
critizises many spectrums of objectivity and dualism of the body seriously. The
body is subject of perception, by which Merleau-Ponty describes prereflective
experience of human by means of the body in touching of the world. The body
and the world intertwined within the flesh to refer an unconsciousness and
spontanity of the body in touching the world. Three scientific fundaments based
on subject-body ontology have been proposed as reconstruction form of sport
science�s philosophical base. Reconstruction of ontological base of sport science
is focused on objects and investigate spheres, where the moving body in sport is
subject of perception in relation to the world, so its� implementation in
investigation spheres of sport science also based on it. In the epistemological base
of science, sport science is autonomous ontologically, but interdisciplinary in
epistemologically approach, with many theory fields and subject fields.
Development forms of theory fields and subject fields must be reflecting on way
of treating toward the body as subject. Axiological base of science emphasizes on
attitudes and acts preference that make the body precisely as perceptioning
subject, which is axiologically assume neutral value, indeed positive-productive.