总结: | Rainfall and sediment material characteristics had been identified as the contolling
factors and trigger of the lahar flow on the slopes of volcanoes, where volcanic material
result of volcanic eruptions deposited in large numbers. Rapid identification of the actual
condition of rainfall and sediment material potential forming lahar flow are very helpful
in disaster mitigation and risk reduction due to lahar flow.
RWL-MASDON (rainfall, water level, and automatic moisture survey devices over
network) is a tool that was developed as an early warning tool for lahar flow. This tool is
designed to give a warning since the lahar flow began to form in the source of material
deposits, so as to allow sufficient time for evacuation process. The tool is simply
designed using easily obtained materials to reduce cost. The abilites of the tool are 10
minutes and daily rainfall measurements, soil moisture measurements, river water level
measurements, and surface runoff presence detect. Calibration and laboratorium test for
RWL-MASDON had been done and shows result that RWL-MASDON could operational.
RWL-MASDON use tipping bucket type for rainfall measurement upto 220 mm/hr with a
resolution of 0.5 mm and 1 mm error. Electronic sensor for moisture content
measurement between 0% - 80% with a resolution of 1% and 1% error. Ultrasonic sensor
for river water level measurements upto 200 cm depth with a resolution of 1 cm and 1 cm
error. RWL-MASDON also has the ability to store data upto 2 GB and telemetery via
GSM network.
With these abilities, RWL-MASDON could be one of the alternatives in an early
warning system for lahar flow disasters. Functions varieties available in RWL-MASDON
are also potential for further development in various other purposes.