Summary: | Background: Public health centre is require health information in an effort to
organize health services effectively and efficiently which can be obtained through
information system. In effort to strengthen health information management in
Banda Aceh is needed readiness assessment to adopt electronic health record
Objective: This study aims to explor the readiness of pilot project public health
centre in utilization of SIKDA Generic in Banda Aceh, particularly in terms of
perception and motivation, planning and policy, organizational structure support,
information management, IT budget, human resources, and technology.
Methods: This research is descriptive qualitative with case study design.
Evaluation and assessment of computer skill conducted for 15 officers in public
health centre. Observation was conducted by identifying the availability of
readiness supporting documents to adopt IT as well as the availability of IT
infrastructure. Indepth interviews were conducted to 10 respondents, consist of 4
respondents from district health office of Banda Aceh and 6 respondents from
public health centre.Computer skills evaluation indicate on a scale from 1 (no
experience) to 5 (very comfortable). Readiness assessment of public health centre
indicate on a scale from 0 (not yet prepared) to 5 (highly prepared). Next, overall
scores with three levels of readiness, namely 1) not yet ready (score 0-33), 2)
moderately ready (score 34-66), 3) highly ready (score 67-100).
Result: Scores of computer skill in three public health centres are 3-4, that human
resources readiness was in comfortable category with minimum supervision.
Overall scores are 34-66, showed that pilot project public health centres are quite
ready to adopt SIKDA Generic.
Conclusion: Public health centres are currently ready to adopt SIKDA Generic in
Banda Aceh, but had been identified a variabel component which is adequate and
still weak, it needs to considered management and collaboration.