Summary: | We report the first genetic analysis on free-ranging Banteng (Bos
javanicus d�Alton 1823) in Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP) and Alas Purwo
National Park (APNP). Banteng is considered endangered and the major threats to
this large mammal spesies are hunting and habitat loss. The genetic diversity of
Banteng in two adjacent national parks and its relationship with Bornean Banteng
and Asian mainland Banteng remain unclear. The study aims at determining the
level of genetic diversity of Banteng within and between populations of MBNP
and APNP and describing phylogenetic relationship of Java, Bornean and Asian
mainland Banteng.
Non-invasive samples (i.e. Banteng faecal) were collected
opportunistically in the two national parks. DNA was extracted following
modified protocol from QIAamp DNA Stool mini Kit and the amplification used
spesies-specific primer. PCR products were sequenced and the sequences obtained
were analyzed with MEGA 6.
We detected 2 haplotypes from 9 DNA samples. Haplotype A were
detected in both populations but haplotype B only found in MBNP population.
The difference between haplotype A and hapotype B is an indels 44 bp long. The
presence of this low genetic diversity suggests that the populations were
fragmented recently or the Banteng populations are possibly descended from the
same ancestor. Phylogenetic analysis showed that despite geographic range, Java
Banteng has closer relationship to Asian mainland Banteng rather than Bornean
Keywords: banteng, genetic diversity, mitochondrial DNA, non-invasive sample