Summary: | This research is normative and empirical research emphasizing of field
study to obtain primary data. Then, literary study was conducted to complete data
from field study.
Data used in this research was primary data obtained directly from
respondent using interview guide and secondary data obtained from library
material through documentary study. Data obtained from field study and literary
study was analyzed qualitatively.
Result of the research indicated that (1) implementation of authority,
obligation and prohibition as regulated in Article 15, 16, and 17 of Law on
Notarial Position have applied Pancasila as state foundation and national view of
life, by emphasizing high integrity in conducting function that carry state
integrity. (2) Notary keep prestige and dignity of their function as officium nobile
by increase internal and communal capacity. Internal capacity improvement was
conducted by increasing faith and piety to Allah SWT and improving notarial
science and other science as support in doing their profession. Communal
(organizational) capacity was improved by following guidance and monitoring
carried out by the Indonesian Notary Association (INI). In addition, they should
keep prestige and dignity by remembering oath of office so in doing their nobile
function they do not break prestige and dignity of notary profession as officium
Keywords: Pancasila, prestige and dignity of notary position, officium Nobile