Summary: | Urban development has an impact on quality of urban environment. The
study titled \"Study of Urban Development and Environmental Risk Assessment in
Urban Area of Banjarmasin\" aims to determine the rate of urban development,
environmental risk or impact, and the influence of the urban development to
environmental risk in Banjarmasin. This study used a descriptive analysis approach,
with primary data, QuickBird imagery Banjarmasin, and secondary data, as the basis
for analysis of data. Location of the study are in North Banjarmasin District, East
Banjarmasin District and South Banjarmasin District, by used block approach as the
unit of analysis. Processing data using data standardization with z-score methods,
bivariate correlation test, and simple regression tests using SPSS 17 for windows.
A total 9 blocks from 17 blocks have a high rate of urban development, there
are 4 blocks on North Banjarmasin District, 4 blocks on East Banjarmasin District,
and 1 block on South Banjarmasin District. In environmental risk assessment, a total
8 blocks have a high environmental risk, which is 3 blocks on North Banjarmasin
District, 3 blocks on East Banjarmasin District, and 2 blocks on South Banjarmasin
District. Analysis correlation of indicator urban development rate variables with
environmental risk variables showed that building densities has a very strong
correlation with the building areas, road intensities and population densities, proved
by the correlation value is greater than 0.8. Analysis the influence of the urban
development rate to the environmental risk indicate that the urban development
provide a very strong influence to the environmental risk, proved by the R value of
0.814. Urban development gives influence of 66.3% against environmental risks.
Classification of urban development and environmental risks resulted 4 (four)
regions typology, namely region typology I (high level of urban development and
high environmental risk), region typology II (high level of urban development and
low environmental risk), region typology III (low level of urban development and
high environmental risk) and region typology IV (low level of urban development and
low environmental risk). A total of 7 blocks located on region typology I, 2 blocks on
region typology II, 1 block on region typology III and 7 blocks on region typology IV.
Based on the region typology, there are 4 (four) forms recommendation of urban
development: Control, Protection, Revitalization/rehabilitation, and Development.
Keywords: city, urban development, environmental risk