Summary: | This study aims to determine a map of leadership role in the Non-
Governmental Organization in Indonesia . Second , from 109 respondents which
comes from 37 NGOs, researcher has clasified it into 7 NGO sectors which has
the same issues and similar activities . Therefore , it is important to map from the
7 sectors of the NGO, in which NGO has perceived as the most dominating
leadership role . Third , it is also important to map among the 7 NGO sector
groups, in which dimension of leadership has perceived as the most dominating .
This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and survey methods in
data collection . Descriptive analysis is done by calculating the average value (
mean score) with SPSS 17.0 .
From the analysis concluded that the most dominant leadership role for
NGO respondents in this study is the dimension of Politicians and campaigner
because it has the highest mean score . Secondly , from the 7 NGO sector groups
which is a small industry , health , education , democracy and human rights ,
women's empowerment , environment and anti- corruption , the NGO which has
the highest mean score of leadership is with the NGO anti-corruption activities .
Third, the results of the research between NGO sector groups on each dimension
of leadership suggests that the NGO sector of industrial activity , health ,
education , democracy and human rights has the largest mean score on the
dimension change agent . NGO empowerment of women , the environment and
anti-corruption have the greatest mean score on the dimension of visionary and
strategist . Besides that , democracy and human rights NGOs and anti- corruption
NGO also has the largest mean score in the dimension Politicians and campaigner.