Summary: | On the implementation of the innovation process conducted by PT GMF
AeroAsia, there have been no specific studies that discuss the company's
innovation process. The study of company's innovation process is needed to
determine how the innovation process that has been implemented by the company
in order to improve the innovation process in PT GMF AeroAsia. This study aims
to analyze the process of innovation in PT GMF AeroAsia using the innovation
value chain framework.
This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Data
collection was conducted using in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and literature
study. Data analysis techniques used in this research is interactive models of
Results of this research showed that the innovation implemented by PT GMF
AeroAsia mostly on business process innovation because of the strict regulations
on the airline industry related to security. Innovation conducted by PT GMF
AeroAsia classified as incremental innovation. Business model innovation PT
GMF AeroAsia followed business model of the orchestrator. Innovation process
conducted by PT GMF AeroAsia is depended on operational needs through
problem solving mechanism of the operational activities and they have been
trying to routinized through innovation competition since 2011. The weakest link
in the value chain PT GMF AeroAsia is the diffusion phase, which indicates the
company as the diffusion-poor-company. There some factors that may cause
problems in the innovation process at PT GMF AeroAsia on diffusion phase, such
as: the culture and habits