Summary: | Children Sexual Abuse (CSA) is often a difficult thing to detect. The absence
of clear characteristics of both the perpetrators and victims in this case
make at risk to become victims of CSA. CSA prevention needs to be
promoted widely by including all relevant interests around children�s
environment, both formally and non-formally, through constant education on
how the children can prevent sexual abuse. The research aimed to validate
program called �Jari Peri� in improving skills amongst non-formal
educators to teach CSA preventive actions through observational learning
approach. The research was designed based on The Untreated Control
Group Design with Pretest and Posttest method. Subjects assigned in this
research were Sunday School teachers. Quantitative data analysis used the
anava mixed design. The result generally suggested that teaching skills on
experiment group are higher than the control group.
Keywords: children sexual abuse, non-formal educators training,
observational learning