Summary: | This research examines how fairness influences satisfaction, trust, and
loyalty in service recovery context. The fairness variable then divided into
procedural, distributive, and interactional fairness as shown by the prior research.
A survey method was used to examine the fairness role to satisfaction,
trust, and loyalty. The survey involves 100 respondents. They are the customers of
celluler telecomunication and have had a complain to it during the last 3 months
in Yogyakarta. Partial Least Square is used to analyze data.
The study shows that satisfaction is influenced by interactional fairnes, but
not by procedural and distributive fairness. Moreover, trust is influenced by
interactional and distributive fairness, not by procedural fairness. This study also
shows that customer satisfaction has influene to customer trust and loyalty. Still,
customer trust has influence to customer loyalty.