Summary: | Every year, the necessary sugar of Indonesian is increasing. The
sugar produced by 179 sugar factories is not enough to fulfill the
necessary sugar of Indonesian. So, Indonesia imports sugar from
Vietnam. Mostly, it is important to test a variety of factors that
influence the performance of foreman in order to obtain a method
to develop performance based on the theoretical model of
performance of foreman in this study. The aim of the study is to
examination how is the role of work motivation on employee
performance and how does organization culture mediate work
motivation on employee performance. The study consisted of 75
foremen from sugar factories in Yogyakarta and Sragen.
Researcher uses 3 instruments for measurement, as performance
scale, work motivation scale and organization culture scale. The
result of the study with regression analysis shows the theo retical
model of performance supported by empirical data. Work
motivation has role to influence performance significantly and
organization culture has role to influence performance significantly.
But, organization culture is not mediator variable between work
motivation and performance.