Summary: | This research was designed to evaluate the types and levels of mycotoxins in
feed�s raw materials and complete feeds of commercial layers and their effects on egg
production. This research was done in Penataran farm at the District of Blitar, which is a
commercial layer farm of 18,000 hens. Samples of feed�s raw materials that have been
examined, included rice bran, corns, soybean meal (SBM), corn gluten meal (CGM),
dried destillers grain with soluble�s (DDGS), and complete feed samples from the
storage and feed left over. Examination of the types and levels of mycotoxins was done
by the method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) at Romers
Laboratory, Singapore. Observation on the egg production of the group of chickens
received mycotoxins contaminated feed was done at the age of 19 weeks, 26 weeks, and
35 weeks. Evaluation was done on the percentage of egg production, egg weight, egg
shell quality, and egg albumin as well as egg yolk quality. Evaluation on the possibility
of immunosuppresive effect was based on examination of the antibody titer against
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was done at the age of 19 weeks, 26 weeks, and 35
weeks using 30 blood samples of chickens from each period. The results indicated that
all feed�s raw materials and complete feed are contaminated by mycotoxins, include
aflatoxin B1, deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisin B1, ochratoxin A, and zearalenone. The
highest level of aflatoxin A in feed�s raw materials was detected in ground corn (68
µg/kg), and the lowest was found in un-ground corn, SBM, and DDGS (< 1 µg/kg). The
highest level of DON was detected in DDGS (<198 µg/kg), and the lowest was observed
in SBM and rice bran (<50 µg/kg). The highest level of fumonisin B1 was detected in
CGM (2583 µg/kg, and the lowest was found in SBM (<100 µg/kg). The highest level of
ochratoxin A was observed in CGM (14,2 µg/kg), and the lowest was found in unground
corn, ground corn, DDGS, and rice bran (<0.5 µg/kg). The highest level of
zearalenone was detected in CGM (319 µg/kg), and the lowest was found in SBM (<10
µg/kg). Contamination of feed with mycotoxins caused a lower hen house egg
production (HHEP) of 0.4 kg/hen, lower egg production and egg weight compared to the
Standard Breed. Eggs produced have variable size, and showed pale, thin, soft, or
cracked shell, watery albumin, and pale yolk. The antibody titer against NDV was low at
the group of 19 weeks of age, very high due to NDV field challenge at the group of 26
weeks of age, and variably low, widely spread and very high due to NDV field challenge
at 35 weeks of age. Based on the results, it can be concluded that all feed�s raw materials
(rice bran, corn, CGM, DDGS, and SBM), the complete feed, and left over feed at
Penataran Farm are contaminated by mycotoxins, including aflatoxin B1, DON,
fumonisin B1, ochratoxin A, and zearalenone. The contamination of mycotoxins on the
complete layer feed causing a decrease in quantity and quality of the egg.