Summary: | Synthesis of mesoporous MCM-41 and NiMCM-41 materials by sol-gel
method under Si/Ni ratio of 50 had ben conducted oil. The last material was then
modified as Ni/NiMCM-41 and Co/NiMCM-41 by impregnation methode. These
materials were applied as catalyst in the cracking process of palm to produced the
highly product of gasoline. The synthesis was carried out using sodium silicate
solution 25% as silica precursors, NiCl2�6H2O as nickel precursors, and
Co(NO3)2�6H2O as kobal precursors. These materials were characterized by X-Ray
Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transformation Infra Red Spectroscopy (FTIR),
Silicon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (29Si-NMR), Atomic Adsorption
Spectroscopy (AAS), and Gas Sorption Analysis (GSA), Transmission Electron
Microscope (TEM). The products of the cracking were analyzed by Gas
Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS).
The TEM analysis results shown that there was Ni in the framework with
the hexagonal porous shape, the pore size of MCM-41<NiMCM-41, the acidity of
MCM-41< Ni/NiMCM-41< NiMCM-41< Co/NiMCM-41. NiMCM-41 more
stabilizer than catalyst of MCM-41 shown that on it�cristalinity. The conversion
of product (wt%) was Co/NiMCM-41 (89,53 wt%) > NiMCM-41 (83,76 wt%) >
Ni/NiMCM-41 (75,59 wt%) > MCM-41 (58,85 wt%) respectively. The products
of biogasoline (%) was Co/NiMCM-41 (100 wt%) > NiMCM-41 (99,13 wt%) >
Ni/NiMCM-41 (98,13 wt%) >MCM-41 77,57 wt%) respectively.