Summary: | In selecting and determining a site as a dwelling space, people surely has
certain reasons and they will give its spatial value and meaning in a long period of
time. Social interactions occurred in the selected dwelling space will raise local
concepts that will be a pattern of attachment between the dwelling space and the
people as the users of the space, so that the dwelling space and the people cannot
be separated. It is because the people occupying the dwelling space believed that
the space surely has meaning and they will give certain meaning to the dwelling
space, thus raising an inseparable bond.
The history of Muna tribe�s settlement in Gunung Jati has intensively been
influenced by the public policies of the Local Government of Southeast Celebes
Province to relocate forcefully the Muna tribe�s settlement in the areas of Gunung
Jati. On the one hand, the relocation is done to provide protection over the areas
of conservation forests as catchment areas. On the other hand, the protection
policies have caused severe traumas for local community because they felt to be
forcefully separated from both their social space and source of livelihood.
This study was conducted by using a phenomenological approach with an
explorative-inductive method to explore the value and meaning of the dwelling
space in the Muna tribe�s settlement in Gunung Jati as well as to identify the local
concepts that have grown in the living patterns of local community and produced
knowledge that they will defend their dwelling space by applying certain ways,
methods, strategies, and concepts to exist, survive and retain their dwelling site
Results of the study show that the local concepts that have naturally grown
in a long historical process amidst the social life of the Muna tribe�s community in
Gunung Jati reflected certain ways or strategies to preserve a spirit of solidarity
and a sense of caring in a homogenous community. The Muna tribe�s community
in Gunung Jati regarded that by the homogenous community with the same
historical, economic, social and cultural background as well as the similar social
relationship will be able to exist in preserving the areas of Gunung Jati as the
source of strategic livelihood. Moreover, these local concepts become the bases
for the development of value and meaning for the dwelling space of the Muna
tribe�s settlement in Gunung Jati as the social sphere to show tribal territorial
existence and identity and a natural space as the source of livelihood to reach a
better economic life.
Theoretical knowledge as a contribution of the study includes the concepts
of value and meaning for the dwelling space of the Muna tribe�s settlement in
Gunung Jati that will be the appropriate bases for the local government to issue
the public policies in a wise and humanist manner, particularly in planning the
spatial order amidst the areas of conservation forests for preventing the local
community from being forcefully separated from their source of livelihood