Summary: | The objective of this study was to understand legal relationship between
notary and attendant as basic imposition of indemnity sanction and qualification
of notary action, which may be sanctioned for indemnity and change in notary
deed position as result of imposed indemnity sanction.
This study used to write this thesis is normative-legal study. Normativelegal
study is a study leading to legal principles, legal norms and legal systematic
as normative-legal study, so that the study is based on documentary (library)
research to collect secondary data in aspect of law.
The results of study found that: first, legal relationship in the made deed
between notary and attendant in relation to imposition of indemnity sanction is
illegal action. Second, qualification of notary action which may by imposed for
indemnity sanction against the made deed is regulated in UUJN if violating
prohibition concerning deed making technique regulated in Article 16, Paragraph
(12), Article 44, Paragraph (5), Article 48, Paragraph (3), Article 49, Paragraph
(4), Article 50, Paragraph (5) and Article 51, Paragraph (4), of UUJN and if it is
not regulated in UUJN, the notary can be claimed for indemnity by complying
with requirements of illegal action which has been regulated in Article 1365 of
Civil Code. Third, if notary has been imposed for indemnity sanction, association
with degraded deed position becomes underhand deed or the deed is void for law.