Summary: | Electric vehicles and portable devices use batteries as a portable power source.
Moreover, a battery as a storage device plays an important role in providing stable power,
especially for operating with renewable energy sources. Therefore, it is very important to
design an appropriate battery management system (BMS) for maintaining optimum
battery performance.
Charging-discharging strategy, State-of-Charge (SoC) estimation, and battery
Voltage Balancer are implemented to manage 8 units of lead-acid batteries in series. A
scale-down experimental battery system is tested by the proposed BMS. For charging
strategies, both two-step and multi-stage charging methods are described. Regarding the
state-of-charge estimation, direct open circuit voltage (OCV), coulometric, OCV
prediction, and neural network (NN) estimation methods are delineated and compared. To
improve the performance of NN, a new estimation method based on Quantum Neural
Network (QNN) is proposed for battery SoC estimation. Finally, battery voltage balancer
using fixed-resistor method is employed to reduce the voltage difference between each
cell of the battery.
Experimental results show that, multistage charging has faster charging process,
which is 58 seconds less charging time compared with two-step charging. The NN
estimation provides good SoC estimation with maximum average error no more than
1.03%. The proposed QNN method has further improved the NN performance, and yields
more accurate results.