Summary: | Adi Sumarmo Airport in Surakarta, which in the last five years has
increased very significant passenger growth. In the last 5 years Adi Sumarmo
Airport passenger experiencing a surge by 138%. Development of air transport in
Indonesia with considerable growth, the factor of safety should be the first and
should be improved. Look at the growth of passengers at the Adi Sumarmo
Airport and in accordance with UU No. 1 of 2009 on �Aviation� and KM 8/2010,
the airport must carry out or implement a Safety Management System (SMS)
which can improve aviation safety, especially in Adi Sumarmo Airport. The intent
and purpose of this research to identify the factors that influence the perception of
airport operations personnel in providing an assessment of implementation of the
Safety Management System (SMS), analyzing the performance of aviation safety
services that had been performed by Adi Sumarmo Airports, so it can be used for
our evaluation materials to achieve of aviation safety services in accordance with
national and international regulations..
By looking at the above problems conducted research on perceptions of
operational personnel of the SMS implementation at Adi Sumarmo Airport. The
research was done by filling the Safety Management System Gap Analysis
Checklist by operational managers to determine the extent of the application of
SMS has been implemented, and by conducting a factor analysis of the perception
of operational personnel to the implementation of SMS in the airport.
SMS gap analysis of the results it can be concluded that the position of
SMS implementation in Adi Sumarmo Airport based on the stage implementation
of SMS in the Safety Management Manual Doc. 9859, 2009 that are in Phase I -
Planning Implementation of Safety Management System (SMS). While the results
of factor analysis on the perception of operational personnel shows lifeware factor
(human resources) to get the lowest performance assessment. This indicated that
lifeware factors need to be given more attention to get a better assessment
performance. So that the performance of of aviation safety at Adi Sumarmo
Airport will be better.