Summary: | Kabupaten Lombok Timur suffers the disparity of regional development,
but not caused by the drought conditions (Novitasari, 2013). Whereas, the
economy of Kabupaten Lombok Timur rested on the primary sector, especially on
agriculture. One of the most arid village in the Kecamatan Jerowaru is Desa
Seriwe. Located on the coast and not have a ground water basin caused the
inhabitants are not just suffering in agriculture but also in meeting their daily
water needs. However, the number of inhabitants in this village was increasing
from time to time. That indicates the existence of adaptations performed by
inhabitants. Adaptation itself is an important effort related to the completion of
the problem through a bottom-up approach. Therefore, the objectives of this study
were to find the adaptation strategies performed by the inhabitants and to find the
influential factors in those adaptation strategies.
The research approach was inductive qualitative. The study of inhabitants
adaptation strategies to drought in Desa Seriwe was basically a case study. Stated
as a single case study because of the extreme condition and the uniqueness that
occured in this case. The unit of analysis of this research was inhabitants
adaptation of Desa Seriwe, Kecamatan Jerowaru to drought. The unit of
observation was Desa Seriwe's inhabitants. The unit of information collection was
the household or family. This research collected primary and secondary data. The
primary data were obtained from interviews and direct observation. The secondary
data were obtained from the documentation and archival documents.
This research found two concepts of adaptation that performed by
inhabitants of Desa Seriwe and one concept of influence factors. The two
concepts of adaptation were divided based on the scope of influence and the type
of action. The concept of adaptations based on the scope of influence consists of
the direct adaptation and indirect adaptation. The concept of adaptation based on
the type of action consists of active adaptation and passive adaptation. The
concepts of factors that influence the inhabitants adaptation strategies are referred
to internal factors and external factors.