Summary: | The focuse of this research is magical realism phenomenon in Modern
Indonesian short stories which departing from the relationship between indonesian
literature and western, as an effect of literary interaction continously between
Indonesian and western. The effect of this world literary interaction is there is a
tendency that Indonesian short stories are lifted back the voices that marginalized in
western empirical persective. In every image how magical realism works seen as
irrational thing such as myth, living legend, fairy tales, and another mystical things
that comes from one society tradition. Khrisna Pabichara is one of indonesian short
story writer who lifted back the voice of marginal that happened in Bugis -Makassar
culture, through his work entitled Arajang. He responded some issue about social
context, ideology, and discursive that expressed by magical realism narrative
The concept of magical realism in Wendy B. Faris in his book entitled
Ordinary Enchantments Magical Realism AndRemystifiction of Narratives is used in
this research, through several stages. First, by identified and classified the elements
according to the magical realism characteristics that have been formulated by Faris,
and followed by generalized the relation between elements and element structure
functions. The next stages is reaching the social context, ideology, and discursive that
already pictured in Arajang short story.
Magical element as a traditional discourse is used by the author as a different
perspective in the middle of modern era. Which pictured by the figures, events, and
objects that represented the real world. The author also voiced the main issue that is
modernism in Bugis Makassar culture