Summary: | Asphalt and filler has an important role in the mix pliable, but the type of
asphalt and filler used has not been able to overcome the problem of premature
damage to existing pavement. This study uses asphalt Pen.60 / 70 and natural zeolite
as filler on mix-Base Hot Rolled Sheet (HRS-Base) in order to determine whether the
natural zeolite can be used as a filler, Marshall characteristics and indirect tensile
strength values.
Merging the two materials in the testing done with the design of the test
specimen using 5 filler content variation, the variation 1 (100% stone dust: 0%
natural zeolite), variation 2 (75% stone dust: 25% natural zeolite), variation 3 (50%
stone dust: 50% natural zeolite), variations 4 (25% stone dust: 75% natural zeolite)
and variation 5 (0% stone dust: 100% natural zeolite). Having obtained the optimum
bitumen content of each variation then testing Marshall with soaking time of 0.5
hours and 24 hours, then the Indirect Tensile Strength testing.
The results were obtained for the optimum bitumen content variation 1 is