Summary: | Considering impacts of lahar flood event on settlements is prerequisite in
land resource best-use decision the management of susceptibility areas. This
research aim to develop and analyze lahar susceptibility rate map, determine the
public perception about lahar, financial valuation, and evaluation individual
behavior relationship about lahar with the WTA. The advantage of this
research is the government either central and local may decide policy that support
management of susceptibility areas based on community by allocating their
Research focus was defined using purposive sampling technique. Unit of
observation was villages along Kali Putih belonging to lahar-susceptible zone.
The research used quantitative method, in particular multiple
regression analysis. The regional mapping by hazard level was conducted by
Geographical Information System (GIS). Data used in this research were primary
and secondary data. Primary data were obtained by distributing questionnaire to
some respondens. Sample amounts used were 1.021 respondens. Samples in risk
analysis were defined using stratified sampling technique. The research
theoretical contribution was to investigate behaviour mitigation according to the
expected theory of utility. The research empirical contribution was to financial
valuation method used towards safety and efforts to link regional characteristics,
public perception about lahar, individual behavior, and also their willingness to
accept. The research practical contribution was to identify management of
susceptibility areas.
Susceptibility analysis showed that 14.749 house unit to safe zone, 21.527
house unit to low susceptibility zone, 1.391 house unit to moderate susceptibility
zone, and 4.124 house unit to high susceptibility zone. Public perception of lahar
is moderate. The relationship between individual behavior and perceptions about
lahar is convincing positive although the correlation is very weak. All sand
material are sold and priced, it can be used to build as many as 5.138 permanent
houses units. The total of houses that can be built exceeds total of houses that
damaged. Lahar in these study areas can provide benefits. Results of multiple
regression analysis, it can be concluded that: risk aversion, the perception of the
impact of the disaster, the role of government, education level, individuals
income, and dummy variables have positive effect on the WTA.
Keywords: disaster, financial valuation, mitigation, perception, management