Summary: | Stroke can cause cognitive decline known as cognitive vascular impairment (VCI) and
incidence of cognitive impairment after stroke is about 20-30% and can develope to demensia.
Therapy for VCI has to include management of risk factor and specific treatment for the VCI itself.
One of herbs that can be used for treatment cognitive impairment is Pegagan (centella asiatica), but
most of the study still held in preclinic setting.
This study conduct with quasi experimental design. Subject of the study is VCI patient who
treated outpatient in RSUP Dr. Sardjito and RSUD Wates policlinic. Subjects were devided into 3
groups, which is treated by Pegagan ekstract 750 mg/day, pegagan ekstract 1000 mg/day, and folic
acid 3 mg/day within 6 weeks. Assesment of VCI is used Montreal Cognitive Assesment Indonesian
version, which is score below 26 is diagnosed as VCI. Statistical analysis by chi-square test for
categorical variable and one-way ANOVA for numerical variable.
48 subjects participated this study,17 were treated by pegagan 750 mg/day, 17 were treated by
pegagan 1000 mg/day and 14 were treated by folic acid 3 mg/day. Pair t-test analysis shows that
subjects treated with pegagan 750 mg, 1000 mg, and folic acid 3 mg perhari selama 6 minggu is
efective to improve VCI showed by addition of MoCA-Ina score at the end of study compared by
baseline. Mean � MoCA-Ina score after6 weeks treatment in Pegagan 1000 mg subjects is 5,53±3,52