Summary: | This study aimed to compare level of happiness between Ngajaran
villagers, Sidomulyo, Bambanglipuro, Bantul, DIY with employees of the
Ministry of Finance (Directorate General of Budget), Jakarta. The two groups
were compared to know on average, which one of the group have higher level
than other. The level of happiness measured by using most of indicators and
variables of Gross National Happiness (GNH) which aspects: Life Satisfaction,
Positive Emotions, Negative Emotions, Spirituality, Living Standard, and Good
Government. The GNH indicators were combined with happiness indicators
proposed by Ibn Abbas: Qolbun Syakirun, and al-Malul Halal.
The questionnaire consists of 6 indicators and 18 variables (questions)
using a Likert scale. All of the questionnaires distributed, classified in to groups
that fall into the 3 category: Unhappy/Not-yet Happy, Happy, and Deeply Happy.
The result, for Ngajaran villagers,12 percent of respondents are Unhappy/Not-yet
Happy, 86 percent Happy, and 2 percent Deeply Happy. Beside, the employees of
the Ministry of Finance, 11 percent of respondents are Unhappy/Not-yet Happy,
86 percent Happy, and 3 percent Deeply Happy.
From the statistical calculation known that the average level of
happiness of employees of the Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, is not different with
the level of happiness of the Ngajaran villagers. The most important indicator to
influence level of happiness is Spirituality (both of them). For each group, the
most influential indicator is Negative Emotions.