Summary: | Sanggar Sastra Jawa Yogyakarta is a literary group that focus on Javanese
literature in D.I.Yogyakarta. The purpose of this research is to discover and
explain the establishment and Sanggar Sastra Jawa Yogyakarta system that is able
to survive for a long time. It was given a lot of group Javanese literature in East
Java, Central Java, and Yogyakarta that appear but can not last long.
The analysis used is the social system theory developed by Talcott
Parsons. The theory explains the four functional requirements, that is latent
pattern-maintenance, integration, goal attainment, adaptation as a requirement for
the system to survive in a long time. Further descriptive method is used, with data
collection through participant observation and in-depth interviews, and the data is
written. Informants consisted of administrators and members of the group.
The results of the study found that the Operasi Tertib Remaja in 1966 and
the elimination of regional language lessons by the education minister of the
1970s was able to immobilize the joints of Javanese literature. Furthermore,
emerging awareness group of people to maintain their identity by setting up
Sanggar Sastra Jawa Yogyakarta. The group was able to survive by maintaining
system adaptation by uniting themselves with government agencies, have short
and long term goals, integrity harmonization that is able to be maintained, and
renegeration pattern with internalization value and norm.