THE POLITICS OF FEAR: CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS ON �SESAT� TERM IN MILITANT MUSLIM ONLINE MEDIA is one of Islamic online media that provides the information of sesat. This website targeted its object of propaganda on Shiites, Ahmadiyah, Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) and Sepilis (secularism, pluralism, and liberalism) and categorized them as the most sesat communities. Th...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: , Fardan Mahmudatul I., , Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Ahnaf
Format: Thesis
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2014
Description is one of Islamic online media that provides the information of sesat. This website targeted its object of propaganda on Shiites, Ahmadiyah, Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) and Sepilis (secularism, pluralism, and liberalism) and categorized them as the most sesat communities. The job of is to track their strategy in destroying Islam. This study is not only important in elaborating the discourse of sesat as the reason on disbanding and banning certain groups in the social/religious conflict. This research is also unique because the object of study represents the structural argumentation through the series of theme publications from various levels of issues. The goal of this research is to reveal the discourse of sesat as the practice of the politics of fear in creating anxieties via propaganda publications and defining the object of fear as the evil. The scope of this study is the writings that published by in the range of since 2008 until 2013, that about 1.181 publications. To more specify the data, this study charts those publications into two classifications, the groups who accused as sesat and the reconstruction of the idea of sesat. For revealing the politics of fear, the data are organized based on Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough in covering three terms (1) finding the social disorderliness in the form of injustice and discrimination, (2) analyzing the dialectical relationship between the semiosis and other social elements, and (3) testing the dominant logic and challenge them in handling social disorderliness. Based on the findings, the characters of the politics of fears are discovered in the publications. They are (1) the problem of logical structure in defining sesat (2) the problem of overwhelmed narration in creating fear in the field of war between Islam and sesat, (3) the problem of sources, both the source of justification of accusing groups as sesat and the source of information of publications. Three of them cause the increasing of panic and hysterias narratives issues that come up within society from inaccessible audience. put sesat as the enemy of Islam that should be fought before they menace the life of Muslim in Indonesia. Moreover, the information hardly proved and confirmed because the overlapping of facts and opinions trigger hyperbolic stories of danger.