Summary: | Background: Mental, emotional and behavioral disorders in children are serious
disorders because their impact on child development, cause impairments, and
decrease their productivity and quality of lives. Parenting pattern has impact on
character building of the children. The quality of discipline applied by the parent is a
predictor for future behavioral disorders in children. Harsh and hostile parenting can
increase the frequency of behavioral disorders in children. The quality of discipline
also forecast the behavior disorders in children. Harsh and hostile parenting increases
the frequency of occurrence of behavioral disorders in children. Reducing
stubbornness and consistent parenting has been proved to reduce behavioral disorders
in children from time to time.
Objective: To know the correlation between parenting, emotional and behavioral
disorders in preschool children at the kindergarten Speak First Klaten.
Methodology: This study is a non experimental observational with a cross sectional
design. The data was analyzed with a descriptive analytic method. The subjects of the
study are mother�s children in Speak First Kindergarten Klaten. The instrument used
are Parenting questionnaire and Strength and Difficulty questionnaire.
Result: The proportion of emotional and behavioral disorders in preschool-aged
children based on reports from the parent (mother) in Speak First Kindergarten was
43.6%. Emotional and behavioral disorders found are emotional issues (23.1%),
conduct disorders (12.8%), hyperactivity (7.7%), disorders with peers groups (7.7%),
prosocial disorders (5.1%). We found that 29.4% of our subjects have more than one
problem. The parenting patterns in our subjects were permissive parenting (15.4%),
authoritarian parenting (38.5%), and democratic parenting (46.2%). Bivariate analysis
between permissive parenting and emotional and behavior disorders in children
showed significant association (p = 0.04