Summary: | Art music, in Indonesia, is used for identify the written music
that connected to Western classical music. The Western music have
been affected Indonesia since the 16
century, through: the
dissemination of religion, trading activities, and politics. These
influences made the emerge of art music composers in Indonesia. It
started with Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Amir Pasaribu, and then Trisutji
Kamal, Jaya Suprana, Yazeed Djamin, Marusya Nainggolan, and
now, Ananda Sukarlan. Their composotitions were made by the
Western music composition technique, but had Indonesian
traditional music element in it.
One of the Sukarlan�s composition for marimba, guitar, and
two pianos, titled: The Drupadi Trilogy, consist of Western element
as well as Indonesian traditional music element. Even though they
have likeness with others, they also have the differences and
Therefore, by applying musicological and sociological study of
art approaches, I conduct a deeper research to find its corellation
with the habitus and field of the composer, the interrelation between
the Indonesian and Western element inside the compositions, and
how they work as the composer�s identity.