Summary: | Indonesia is a tropical area with high intensity lightning strike
(repeatedly). The voltage produced by lightning by increasing the presence of
sensitive loads, lightning can easily worsen the quality of consumer power is
generated even if the voltage is relatively low. Lightning strikes can cause
excessive voltage along the power lines. Propagation can cause a voltage surge on
low voltage systems, especially low voltage can damage the equipment.
maintenance and protection against lightning strikes are very necessary for the
prevention and countermeasures against such damage. Arrester is a device which
is currently intensively used by the public to protect the equipment from lightning
strikes. Arrester is a device used to protect the system from lightning with a
current danger to earth leaving a certain resistance value so the voltage of the
system is not experiencing voltage spikes in the system.
This research was conducted through the use of several laboratory-scale
testing of major equipment such as high voltage generator, impulse voltage
generator, and oscilloscope. Modifications using 220 volt low voltage arrester
Merlin Gerin LTD with a maximum current of 6.5 kA as one to four diseri arrester
and arrester calculation equations for low voltage circuit series for more than four
From the test results it is known that the characteristics of arrester residual
voltage will rise when connected in series. Low voltage arrester can be used for
higher voltage requirements by counting the number of arrester. The equation for
the required number of series arrester overvoltage surge to cut the y = 0.694x-
0.106R with R2 = 0.989. so that later if needed more than 4 pieces arrester, the
residue voltage can be estimated through the formula.