Summary: | Prostitution in Madiun is contantly increasing. The rising number of night
clubs completed by sexual services strengthens this fact. Local prostitution
complex, warung (a small, traditional cafe, usually with one or two sellers only,
and no waiters/ waitresses), cafes / karaoke spots, and boarding houses are other
places where prostitution happens. Often, female sexuality is positioned as lyan,
based on pallusentris dichotomy of which females body is constructed as a
complement of, a servant for, and an agent of males sexual desire fulfillment.
This female sexual worker (PPS) phenomenon represents females with double
oppresion, as females and as whores. However, it is interesting that more females
choose to be PPS. Thus, from this background, an inquiry is risen: How is the
performatifity of power relation of female sexual workers in Madiun?
Power strategies by which the PPS operated were examined by feminist
perspective and Michel Foucaults bio-technico-power concepts, the body
discipline mechanism until compose the strategy in order to constructed the
actively power relation. The analysis on the PPS was presented in a power
arrangement which controled over both an individu and a group of people by
employing feminist ethnographical approach. Through this approach, to document
the lives and activities of female, to understand the experience of female from
their own point of view, and to conceptualize females behavior as an expression
of social contexts.
This study attempt to understand PPSs experience when starting prostitute
up to their selfpractice in prostitution space. That experience led to criticism of the
domestic sphere that became the main domestic reservoir of the dehumanization
of women's issues. Factually given, domesticity tended to discredit women
through the institution of family and became the most cruel impri sonment for
women. In this space is female in domination, exploitation and discrimination
boundary are constructed through patriarchal nature obey and serve, so it is
difficult for women to negotiate a position themselves. The will and desire of
women manipulated by very powerful and reinforces women as objects of
patriarchy (male). But in the other room (prostitution), which is constructed as
harsh in public spaces, it is able to accommodate women's freedom and ability to
negotiate raises effective for women. In this space the women (PPS) is able to
have control over their own bodies through the disciplinary process, and be able to
negotiate the power relations by utilizing knowledge. This is where the births of
women as object and active subject who is able to exert control over her body to
be self useful, especially for himself and for the environment in general, so as to
create mutual power relations in every area of women.