Summary: | This research objective is to understand that written agreements can be
made between corporations and people on the realization of corporate social
responsibility and the role of notaries in supporting the realization of corporate
social responsibility through written agreements between corporations and people
The type of research which is used in this research is normative research,
the research which is conducted by researching library materials or only
secondary data and primary data. As for the study of this research is the role of
notaries in the realization of the agreement between corporations and people on
corporate social responsibility. Legal materials which are used are primary legal
materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials.The nature of the
research in this thesis is to research the type of research that aims to find
something new. The way the collection of legal materials is done by the study of
literature (Research Library), that is by doing a search on legal materials relevant
to the subject matter to be studied in this research. Legal materials obtained in the
normative legal research by means of literature study described and correlated
between the legal materials with other materials such laws, that are presented in a
systematic writing to address the issues that have been formulated.
The conclusion resulting from the research is that the realization of
corporate social responsibility (CSR) by corporations which are run in natural
resources can be done through written agreements between corporations and
people in general and people around the corporations in particular. The agreement
can be set into written agreement which contains CRS programs which should be
conducted by the corporations. It is based on the position CRS as a law obligation
for the corporation which is based on philosophical reasons as written in UUD
1945 which states that Indonesia is a welfare state. The role of notaries in
supporting the realization of CSR by making a deed of agreement which is set in
notarial deed. The making of the agreement in realizing CSR is interpreting the
agreement which will be made by the parties and being able to accommodate the
interests of the parties so that the assurance and certainty can legally be given
until the definitive agreement is realized