Summary: | Influence of the current global climate has uncertain variations and
difficult predict. One of the effects of climatic variations on agriculture is
decreasing the amount of production. Rice and corn are excellent commodities in
Indonesia as well as a staple food of Indonesian society. Declining production
can be affected by environmental factors, namely the soil properties and climate.
Physical and chemical properties of the soil that is closely related to the
availability of plant nutrients may be a limiting factor of rice and corn production
if availability does not meet the needs of the plant. Rainfall and extreme
temperatures may causing crop failures that decrease the amount of production.
This study aims to determine the climatic factors and physical properties of any
chemical that is highly correlated to the production of rice and corn in Kulon
Progo Regency. This research was conducted at six Districts, namely: Girimulyo,
Panjatan, Sentolo, Galur, Kalibawang and Temon. Climatic factors observed
namely rainfall and temperature, whereas the observed soil factors were the
physical and chemical properties of the soil. Data analysis used correlation and
regression analysis to determine the relationship of each factor on the production
of rice and corn. Kulonprogro is an area that excel in achieving food selfsufficiency. K (Potassium) is an element that affects the availability of rice
production, while P (Phosphorus) is an element that affects the availability of
maize production in Kulon Progo Regency. Rainfall is a factor that is highly
correlated to the production of rice and is very closely related to the availability
of K nutrients in the soil. The number of high rainfall in the area during the rainy
season Kulon Progo caused K nutrient leaching and reduced its availability to