Summary: | The Objective of this researh is to identify The Attitude and
Behavavior of the Student to protect the nature base on Islamic value at Several
Campus in Yogyakarta with factors influence. This Researh use descriptive
quantitative Methode with totats of 100 respondents are chosen by Purposive
technique. Data Analyze is conducted by Person Correlation, Coefisien Regresion,
Coefisien Determination and Hipotesis Test.
The Result of this research are: (1) The awarness of the student at
campus have negative corelation to attitude of the Student with person corelation -0,085 or 11,0 % and coefisien regresi -0,176. (2) The Belief of the student at campus
have positif corelation to attitude of the student with person corelation 0,110, or
and coefisien regresi 0,159 or 15,9% the the belief influenching the attitude of the
student at campus to protect the nature base in Islamic value. (3) The Atitude of
the student at campus have negatif corelation to behavior of the Student with
person corelation -0,074 or -7.4%, and coefisien regresi -0,020 atau sekitar -2 % the
Atitude influenching the Behavior of the Student at Campus to protect the nature
base in Islamic value