Summary: | Purworejo sub-district is a region where drought disaster frequently
occurs. Ganggeng, Pacekelan, Plipir, Brenggong, Cangkrepkidul, Sidomulyo,
Donorati, and Wonotulus are the drought prone villages. Drought disaster causes
various loses in agricultural sector in these areas. The objectives of this research
are to assess agricultural drought risk by calculating Soil Moisture Deficit Index
(SMDI) and to make the drought vulnerability assessment based on physical,
social, economy, and environment factors.
SMDI analysis was done by using data during 2007-2012 where in 2009,
El Nino occurred (further is called by scenario I) and in 2012 the agricultural
drought occurred in the study area (scenario II). SMDI analysis has done along
with two assumptions. The assumptions are the SMDI assumptions I, a calculation
without Water Holding Capacity variable (WHC) and the SMDI assumption II
calculation with WHC variable. The SMDI assumption I can be used as long term
agricultural drought indicator as well as hydrology drought indicator of while
SMDI assumption II can be used as medium term agricultural drought indicator.
Drought hazard indicator was calculated by using the average value of SMDI
assumption I and assumption II together. For vulnerability assessment, in
Sidorejo, Sidomulyo, Wonotulus, and Donorati Villages, it was found that
physical factor influences the drought vulnerability, in Ganggeng, Cangkrepkidul,
Brenggong, Plipir and Pacekelan Villages, the influencing factor is social and
economic, while in Pacekelan and Sidomulyo Villages, the environment factor is
major influence.
The final result shows 77.43% of study area has high risk agricultural
drought for scenario I and for scenario II, the assessed agricultural drought risk
are 59,47% study area of high risk and 40,3% study area of moderate risk area.
Therefore, the study area which is part of Bogowonto Watershed need integrated
watershed management as agricultural drought mitigation program.