Summary: | Gorontalo Utara District is new autonomous regency located in the northern
coastal area of Sulawesi. Contrast to its huge fishery resources, the fishery product
yielded in this area is far from expected. This is due to the fact that the type of fish
species cultivated in the coastal area of the district does not fit the area characteristics,
ineffective management and low level of participation of people living in coastal area
in managing the issue. On this respect, this study on how the coastal area in
Gorontalo Utara District should be developed is needed. The purposes of this study
are: 1) Analyzing the influence of coastal area toward the fishery potential in
Gorontalo Utara, 2) Analyzing the suitable forms of management of fishery
potentials in order to increase fishery products in Gorontalo Utara, 3) analyzing
people�s participation in the management of fishery potentials in Gorontalo Utara,
and 4). Drafting a strategy for coastal area resources management in North Gorontalo
District based on priority scale.
This study uses geographical approach in which area complex approach is the
main focus. The method used is the combination of qualitative and quantitative
The result of the study shows that the exploitation on fishery and marine
potentials in Gorontalo Utara is relatively low. The percentage of seaweed produced
is only 3,667 %, the catch fishery is only 13.728 tons and fish cultivation including
shell and pearl is only 240 acres or 11,72%.
The above condition is attributed to some factors such as: the management of
exploiting the resources is still the conventional one, the low level of people�
participation which is due to geographical condition, limited access to the possession
of money and the long distance the people should cover to reach for the supervisors.
Other factor is the government commitment to involve society in managing the issue
is low. This is reflected in the fact that the programs executed seem to be dictated by
government resulting in the poor quality of the program. In addition, society
commitment to participate in the program is still low due to negative opinion held by
people on government program. Attention should be paid to the fact that local
government seems not to be consistent with the execution of program in this sector.
This allegation is evidenced by the fact that the local government has stopped the
Gerbang Emas Program (a movement to develop people�s economy), which in fact
has contributed much toward the betterment of people prosperity.
The novelty of this study is that Gerbang Emas Program of local government
of Gorontalo Utara was a good program to increase people�s prosperity. This program
cut short the long line of bureaucracy from the center of the district to the remote
villages because in this program the government officers went to villages to provide
services to people. This program synergizes the government and society in order to
accommodate people� needs.
Key Words : coastal area, resources, participation