Summary: | THE development of marketing communication research has been increasingly
diverse. Various conditions associated with the use of the latest Internet-based
technology has become a mystery to research in the field of science
communication. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the phenomena that occur
in the world of marketing communications.This study focused on the use of
twitter as a communication media marketing by marketing agencies as the
spearhead of the company. They can use the Internet as a means of marketing
communication, vary from a blog, post them on an online ad, make advertising in
social media and so on.
By using qualitative descriptive analysis, especially using ethnographic methods
researcher tried to observe the behavior of insurance agents in Yogyakarta city in
their daily interaction. The results showed that: 1) According to the analysis of
stakeholders, Prudential Twitter marketing communications activities consist of
four main stakeholders, namely, Company, Leader, Agent, and Follower. 2)
Meanwhile, according to the analysis of the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire,
and Action to buy), the purpose of the promotion is simply divided into three
types, namely, providing customers information about products or new features
such as creating needs, influencing customers to buy a brand other people, and
remind customers about the brand which includes adoption of the draft
strengthens the brand.
Keywords : Agen Asuransi, Twitter, Analisis Stakeholders, AIDA