Summary: | Traditional medicine is widely used by Indonesian people especialy for
cancer, mistletoe (Scurrula atropurpurea (Bl.) Dans.) as the one of plants has
been used for cancer threatment. Several compounds had been identified from
mistletoe herbs. There are six fatty acid, two compounds of tannis, two
compounds of xantin, one monoterpen glycoside, four compounds of flavans and
two flavonol glycoside is quercitrin and rutin. The quality of natural product
determine of extract as an active substance.
In order to increase the quality of benalu extract was done using simplex
lattice design with flavonoids as parameter of standardization. The water and
ethanol mixture were used as solvent extraction, and the optimal solvent obtained
was applied in the extraction procedure of Scurrula atropurpurea herb. The assay
of total flavonoid was done by spectrophotometry by Chang
methode.Variation of extraction methods performed to obtain the best extraction,
in addition also conducted an evaluation of the benalu preparation in the
community is by making infusa.
Solvent composition of ethanol 75% was selected, then used as a solvent
in the extract preparation. Extraction methods with ethanol 75% as a solvent in
accordance with Farmakope Herbal Indonesia methods obtained 23,89% yield
extracts and 4,183% flavonoid content. Other methods is maceration for 8 hours
resulted 21,72% yield and 5,040% flavonoids content. The infusion resulted in
18.67% yield extractsand the total flavonoids content is 1.519 percent.