Summary: | The study consisted of three stages. In stage I, The Effects of Cacao
Pod Fermentation with Microbial Inoculums on Fiber Composition, and
Characteristics of Bacterial Isolates of Fermented Cacao Pod. Results showed
that during pod cacao fermentation, there were an increased population of lactic
acid and total bacteria, a lowered pH, an increased fiber digestibility, and reduced
theobromine content. Changes in those parameters were found to be significant
in cacao pods fermented and inoculated with the inoculums rate of 0.05%, 6 days
fermentation time, and 40% water content. The highest reduction of theobromine
in fermented cacao pods was 17.02%. The reduction of fiber and theobromine
contents during the fermentation of cacao pods with bacteria inoculums was
confirmed by the characteristics of bacterial isolates obtained from the fermented
cacao pods. There were eight bacterial isolates found to be able to produce
CMCase and β-glucosidase enzymes in various levels. Some isolates were also
able to lower theobromine content in liquid culture by 27.07%. The best
inoculums rate (0.05%) and fermentation time (6 days) with 40% water content
obtained from stage I study were applied in the next stage. In stage II, Evaluation
of Cacao Pod-based Complete Feed Inoculated with Microbial Inoculum and Its
Effects on Rumen Microbial Fermentation. Anaerobic fermented complete feed
with microbial Inoculum (CF2) was not able to make the fiber content of
fermented complete feed lower than that of unfermented complete feed (CF0).
After 24 hour rumen fermentation, each treatment gave different pH values of
rumen liquid, namely 6.4 (CF1), 6.3 (CF2), and 6.3 (CF2). However, no
differences were found in VFA concentration, ammonia concentration, and
microbial protein content. It was shown that VFA and ammonia concentration
was increased immediately after the feed was given to the animals. In stage III,
Digestibility, Digestible Nutrients of Complete Feed, and Production Performance
of Sheep. Results showed that there was no significant difference was found in
OMD and digested organic matter (DOM). Mean fiber digestibility (FD) and
digested fiber (DF) were significantly different. Compared to CF1 and CF2,
unfermented complete feed (CF0) had the lowest DF. There were no different
feed intake and daily weight gain (DWG) per unit of time were found. However,
there was a tendency that sheep in CF2 gave the highest DWG and higher
income over feed cost value (Rp 27,232 /head/month) than those fed
unfermented cacao pods. It was concluded that microbial inoculum could be used
as the source of microbes in fermentation process and reduction of fiber and
theobromine in cacao pods (optimum rate was 0.05% and incubation time of
6 days with 40% water content).